AI powered platform that understands sounds like
you do

Identify audio events, assess noise impact and detect anomalies

Always-on sound
analysis, anywhere

Save time, maximise

Focus on what truly matters, while our technology handles the
tedious audio analysis

Gain the competitive

Empower your clients with AI-enhanced noise monitoring  and transform your hardware into an indispensable management tool

Scale at low-cost

Reduce costs and monitor a fleet of sensors through an
inexpensive, always-connected API

Our model zoo

Pre-trained machine learning models optimised for loud industries

Onshore renewables

Accurate labelling of sounds within the spectrum of environmental noises, including objects, humans, and natural sounds...


Separate and identify specific sounds, e.g. blasting and sawing, while filtering out unrelated background noise...


Identify mechanical components as sources of noise and pinpoint unusual sounds emanating from these parts...

Antisocial behaviour

Track noises from crowds and busy indoor environments to maintain optimal noise levels...


Receive notifications when a flight departs, tires squeal, and engines ignite, utilising our aviation model database...


Identify heavy-duty vehicles, traffic incidents, and noise pollution using our pre-trained traffic model...

How it works

Start listening better today

See why business of all sizes use Risso AI for sound analysis